Monday, March 12, 2007


Hey all!

Craig and I just got done talking and trying to set some parameters for Memorial weekend.He plans to stay at the Super 8 Motel in Waterloo. Phone is 618-939-2020. He is figuring on staying there for at least Sat and Sun nights.

We will plan to have a midwest BBQ here at our house on Sat afternoon/evening, so the party will just keep rolling larger as people show up. If some would like to come Fri night that would be fine also. We could certainly keep everyone busy on Saturday.

JoAnn and I will get together info on some St. Louis things to do for Sunday after church. We have, of course, that big arch thing and a good/free
zoo, botanical gardens, a magic house and museum, and even a few lively beverage establishments for those so inclined.

Sunday we could have a sandwich type lunch here while we decide which way to go, and Monday we can have a big breakfast.

If you have any questions or other suggestions for the weekend, please do not hesitate to keep them to yourself. (Just joking).

JoAnn and I are looking forward to you all coming up/down/over.

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